LoadPlanner CAD

about loadplanner.dk

Iterative Methods

Captain Finn Lassen designer and developer of this program. 
Started at sea as young deck boy in 1975, Promoted as captain in 1989. At that time, all had to be calculated all manually. We were scissoring out units in scale to a GA plan moving the paper cot to optimised loading. All stability calculated by hand. The first program saw daylight in 1984, a DOS version. In 1992, reprogramed Visual Basic 6 as a bitmap system.
In 2000++ working as port captain / cargo planner in Singapore,  and together with colleagues, LoadPlanner further developed.  
As the life span of Visual Basic 6 ended in 2020 the system reprogramed in Visual Studio 10 in 2011 but on a matrix platform.
Today all programmed in Visual Studio 2022 version with no end of life span.